Calvin Info is not affiliated with the Town of Calvin, Oklahoma.Calvin Info is a private editorial publicly reporting on the Town of Calvin business affairs and business conduct. The Town’s people of Calvin should be individually aware ofhow the City Officials handle the “Public Trust” afforded them and what they the Citizens should expect from their City Officials. Legal advise should be directedto your attorney. The resourceslisted on this website can beused to file complaints on or with the Town of Calvin and orit’s City Officials conduct. Legal Disclaimer
The Town of Calvin “Busy Bodies” and “Town Gossip” may be a way of life in Calvin, Oklahoma, tosome, but not all, because “WHOLE” individuals with self-respect , self-worth, and dignity mind their own affairs without forcing their opinions or expressing their opinions without invite. We all will be judged in the end, but not by the Town of Calvin “Busy Bodies.’ or “Special People.” 07-04-2018 Town of Calvin Police Chief Delbert Harden“DRIVE BY SPOTLIGHTING”GOTOFACEBOOK IS SUCH A TELL ALL “I know WHO they are” Delbert Harden